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my book
Cover of my book on Iraq War. “Iraq Ranaggone”—In Iraq war field, pages from a war reporter’s diary.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cairn Energy

Cairn Energy/22-2-10/anis alamgir
Anis Alamgir

Petrobangla is hopeful of tapping substantial amount of gas from the south Sangu Gas field in Block 16 after receiving primary data from the international oil company Cairn which is conducting 3D seismic survey there.
“We are hopeful to add a substantial volume of gas within one year from Sangu and Magnama after completion of present survey” said a senior official of Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation.
The Scotland base energy company started its recent 3D seismic survey in from 11th of this month in the block 16 of Bay of Bangle. M/S Geokinetics is conducting the 3D seismic survey work on behalf of joint venture partners of Block 16 PSC (production sharing contract).
The survey company already completed 5 per cent of the high-tech survey of Block 16 and hope that by April it will be finished.
But both Petrobangla and Cairn are more or less convinced that desired level of gas could not be tapped from the area.
One official of the Pertobangla said that they were planning to attach two fields before exploring gas from there for national pine line. For that they need to sign a new contract with the energy company. However, insider of the Cairn hinted that there was no necessity to sign new contract as it can cover by existing deal.

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